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Search Results for: screening test

Screening test

screening test Any testing procedure designed to separate people or objects according to a fixed characteristic or... Read More


The biological world is so diverse that studying it under a single umbrella as a subject is next to impossible. Hence,... Read More

Sensitivity and specificity

Definition noun Statistical measures for assessing the results of diagnostics and screening tests wherein sensitivity... Read More


Definition noun, plural: tests (1) An examination or evaluation. (2) (zoology) The external, protective shell, covering or... Read More

Watson-schwartz test

Watson-Schwartz test A qualitative screening test for diagnosis of acute intermittent porphyria by the addition of... Read More

Solubility test

solubility test A screening test for sickle cell haemoglobin (hb S), which is reduced by dithionite and is insoluble in... Read More

Whole blood coagulation time

whole blood coagulation time measurement of the time required by whole blood to produce a visible clot. Factors that could... Read More


What Is Leukocytosis? Leukocytosis is a condition wherein the number of White Blood Cells (WBCs) is increased above the... Read More

In vitro

Definition adjective, adverb (Of a biological process) made to occur outside the living organism, i.e. in an artificial... Read More